Safeguard your modern-day development from the spread of fire with mandatory fire suppression systems. Our innovative designs incorporate a combination of water or dry/wet chemical agents to effectively suppress equipment fires. At Silver Consultancy Services, our exclusive automation software ensures MEP designsand precise precise bill of quantities (BOQ) that fully comply with the Local Building Codes Together, let's build a safer future.
Fire sprinklers layouts
Discover the might of a well-planned sprinkler system, safeguarding with abundant water against fire risks.
Fire hydrant layouts
Maximize safety with strategic hydrant placement, ensuring accessibility and proximity for ultimate fire protection.
Fire alarms
Elevate safety with strategic fire alarms, timely warning occupants in critical locations during emergencies.
Schematic diagram
Automation system
Product recommendations
Bill of Quantities
Unlock the power of a detailed fire Bill of Quantities (BOQ), specifying the optimum quantity and quality of sprinklers, water hydrants, fire alarms, and more. Achieve comprehensive fire protection at the best cost-efficiency with our meticulous solution.